Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meet The Family

Well, today was a rather odd day, I must say.
Just an average-joe day at TAFE..
Partying with Rik and Polska!
The end of the day was where it got exciting though xD

After TAFE, Rik and myself waited around because my mum was supposedly going to pick me up because I had my rather expensive camera on me (She forgot.) But after a while of standing at the front of the school, I started to get all emo and depressed! Because I am failing everything. School, TAFE, Life.
And I also went on about ruining his life.
Because it was my fault he had lost his band, it was my fault he lost one of his best friend's for a while...
If it weren't for me, he'd still be on stage doing the whole 'hot bassist' thing and reminding everyone of Sid Vicious...
All because i HAD to date the lead guitarist of the band.
Word of advice; Do NOT date your band members.
Especially ex satanists.
The whole time he looked at me like I was a complete tit... well...from what I can tell anyway.
He was wearing aviators.
He then counteracted everything I said and sat down on the ground, then told me to sit.
So I joined him ^__^
He then pulled me into this massive hug and said lots of things and made me feel aaaaaaall better!....mostly. =]
(The fact that my mum had completely forgotten about me didn't help the depression. -__-)
Then when we had decided that mum had forgotten about me, we got up and left for my house!
So I could drop off my shit and go on our merry way to Rik's!
My birthday present for him was going into full swing tonight xD
We got to my house and did stuff, mum drove us to Rik's... he showered and we both got fair nervous.
Tonight, we were going to meet his mother.
I'm not going into detail about someone else's personal life, but it was a big deal.
(That was the big suprise btw, he wanted his mum... I actually got her)
We bonded over a Doctor Who magazine, then his aunty rocked up and she took us to go see Mother Dearest.
All the way there.... it was nerve racking.
And when we got there... it was very emotional.
Like, you have no idea.

I can't explain it... but it's made me feel good.
But now i've 'reunited' then, as a lot of people say... I feel that's my life goal completed and I have nothing left to give to the world.... Gahh this is what I kept going on about after school..
Imma shut up and go now, god I sounds so emo.
kill me now, please.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Almost orgy! xD

Well, Last night.... was one of the most interesting nights of my life.
Now I don't want to come across as a slut... coz I really don't normally do this.
I know I WILL sound like a slut, but anyone who actually knows me knows i'm the complete opposite.
But it was all 'spur of the moment' really.... and the guy had just turned 18!
Besides, we all enjoyed ourselves!
And this is in pretty good detail, so.... If you don't like that kinda thing...turn the fuck away now.
So anyways!
It all started with Supernatural.
Myself, Paris and Rik were piled onto Tiana's couch, watching the second episode of season four.
Whilst Tiana, Lara and Drake sat at the table/Tiana's bedroom talking about Highnam High.... I think.
But I was a bit squished, so I spread myself out over Rik and Paris. Because i'm cool like that.
And Rik laughed because the back of my knee was on his penis!
But, by force of habit, after a while Paris started to bounce her leg up and down, the way we all do.
But the friction caused Rik to crack woody.
Which, you know, was funny. lol.
But.... Paris and I got a weeeeee bit curious about his penis.
We found amusement in poking it and what not.
Which caused him to get harder and harder.......
And we made jokes about him ejaculating everywhere!
Which kinda reminded us of a previous adventure we went on, where we trapped Rik in a bottle (Solo bottle) but we thought we could do it for real this time! By catching his semen in a Pepsi bottle!

We caught Rik in a bottle once, see?

But we kept laughing about it and the woody started to go down..
So we devised a plan!
We called over Tiana, and got her to get out honey and Nutella!
And we got Rik naked and covered him in it!
And sooooo we got to work!
Was awkward when Tiana's mother walked out of her room (we were in the lounge room at the time)
So we had to quickly pull the covers up over Rik and ourselves!
Seeing as we had honey and Nutella all over our faces...
This happened about 3 more times untill Tiana set up speakers in there spare bedroom.
That, is when things got interesting.
Leaving Drake in the dining room (Really sorry baby! i love you! Sorry to make you feel shunned, was sort of....preoccupied the whole night. And I was in a shit mood for a majority of the day, I do love you babycakes xD)
Tiana lit candles to set the mood and we had sensual metal playing.
We also blindfolded Rik, to make it more interesting. (Drake soon got picked up and left)
After a lot of licking and in appropriate touching, from all four of us girls, by some weird twist of fate, I ended up on top of Rik.
I really can not remember how I got there lol
After enough peer presure, I started to make out with the poor boy..which helped things crank along really lol
So whilst I took care of upstairs, Paris & Tiana & Lara took care of downstairs.
At one stage, Savage Garden came on, and we all started singing along to the chorus which made Rik piss himself laughing!
After a while though,
Things started to really steam up (the window fogged up hardcore), and we removed the blindfold.
He then realised he had my tits in his face, which he enjoyed. lol
Then things got a bit violent (in a good way) which resulted in the claw marks I found on my back an hour afterwards..
Anyway, the girls started talking alot and his erection started to fade, so they told him to whatever it took to get him going he ripped my tits out and partied with them. lol!
That also helped greatly.
After a while, he started getting very angry at his penis because it just would not come and started doing the job himself!
Eventually he came and we all laughed when we realised it was all pointless really seeing as we forgot to catch it in a bottle. And we all laughed because it went all over the arse of my jeans. Unfortunately that was my last pair, so I had to come home to mum wearing jeans covered in honey, Nutella and cum.
Rik needed some new underwear seeing is he had caught all his underwear and he forgot to pack some... so we had to lend him a pair! They were black and pink and said 'Boys Want This' !!!!
But we lost his shirt.... So we all piled into Lara's car and went to Rik's house and he grabbed clothes!
But we dicided we wanted alcohol...but no one had any money.
So we went to Skywalker's house to see if he had money or booze....but he was at his sisters house.
So we went to Drummer Boy's house.... but he was asleep... had an early shift.
So went home, sat around for a bit... laughing at what the fuck just happened...
Then we all went to bed.
And Me, Paris and Rik got told off for being toooooo noisy.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Megadeth and Zombies!

I survived!
Only because Slayer (cries) had to cancel because their singer got sick and lost his voice,
Alot of the hardcore, scary Slayer fans weren't very happy...
But anyway, Megadeth filled in their slot as well! (Hells yes!)
So I got two whole hours of my most favourite band ever!
And I gotta say, I've been to quite a few gigs in my lifetime, but this owned the shit out of every single one.
They completely tore up the joint!

But hold up, lets rewind back to Saturday!
..which I think is when I posted my last blog.
Forgetting about a very important event that was happening that night!
It was the annual Adelaide Zombie Walk!
When I realised, I got in contact with Paris and she raced home from wherever she was, and through together an outfit, as did I.
Tiana tagged along too >_<
But she didn't dress up, she went as her usual classy self. xD
But Paris and myself didn't have time to put make up on, so we were sitting there zombie-ing it up at Salisbury startion, then some drunk as fuck guy stumbled up and asked what the hell we were doing...
We explained it and he bought us UDL's, which was cool.
(Oh, and for those who have no idea what the hell the Zombie Walk is, a bunch of people dress up as zombies and walk through the main streets of the city, terrorizing the place. ^__^)

On the train, we met this cute guy called Ben and hung out with him, he was a cool dude.
He liked Alice Cooper, instant respect.
When we eventually got to Town, we were a biiiit late, but that's okay lol
Because we found a giant group of like, 300 zombies who just started randomly screaming and running, so we diverted and took off.
Some really hot guy with a bucket of fake blood splatterd us with it, making us look hardcore.
Eventually we ended up at some bar with raving panda's.
Everyone started taking photo's, and me and Paris started running around a sweet car screaming.
When we decided to head home, we ran into a guy we had met on our trip to Glenelg, none of us actually know his name, but we reffer to him as "Compton Ass Terry", and all of his home boys call him "Hannibal"
We are yet to find out why.

But yes, he invited us to Hungry Jacks for drinks, which, we said yes.
So we made a u-turn, and ran into some foreign guys.... who were hot, but we couldn't understand them.
So we just said we didn't know and went on out merry way.
We looked like hard cunts, drinking and smoking outside of Hungry's with make up running down our faces, ripped up clothes and covered in fake blood, yes, that's how cool we are.
Okay, anyway!
Fast forward to the next day!
I woke up at Paris's house, a bunch of crap happened and I went home and found out my best friend Rik had been trying to get a hold of me!
So I rang him, and we had a big happy talk!
My favourite part of the conversation was;
Rik: Justine, are you drunk?
Me: ...Shhhh!! You don't know that
Rik: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
I had a shower, washed all the fake blood off and partied in my room like it was 1999.
After a loooooong wait, Rik FINALLY showed up!
We tried to smuggle out vodka, but mum did a bag check....sorta got busted.
But she let us leave with it.
I met Rik's aunt and uncle and we partied to Megadeth in the car.
We stopped at a Foodland and Rik bought Doritos and Iced Coffee ^__^
And we noticed it was a special iced coffee, coz it had the date of his birthday on it!
And it went to Megadeth! (Typically he got so drunk, he forgot and threw it out.)
We picked up some guy called Dave, and off we went.
Knocking vodka and drinking beer...with a hint of iced coffee.
Yes, we mixed hardcore.
So, anyway!
We finally got down there, and we jumped out the car and started walking to a bar with our guardians... then realised half way that Rik left all the tickets in the car. -__-
So his aunt (I can't remember ANY names, except for Dave... because he has the same first name as the singer for Megadeth, and the name Dave is part of very funny Bottom joke) gave ME the keys, and we went and hunted down the car, along the way, we realised we really needed to pee, so on the way back, we tried to find a cafe with a pisser. Was difficult. There were alot of African bars... and everytime we walked up to one, the looked at us like we weren't welcome.
Things got difficult when water started dripping from a gutter.......
But anyway, we peed, drank alot...
Got to the Thebby...
Rik tried to hide our bottle, and failed.
Which resulted in it getting stolen. -__-
We got in, went to the bar, drank a beer listening to Double Dragon pounding through the walls...
We eventually ran off and claimed a good spot, riiiiight near the stage. ^__^
Eventually we got jammed in, and all the lights went out.
Right then, me and Rik nearly cried.
And so it started.
Epic really.
Although, when they started to play Washington Is Next, i nearly died of dehydration, so went and got some water! And a guy from Rip It Up Magazine took a photo of us, and tricked us with a mini camera, the bastard! lol
We got back in time for Sweating Bullets, and we're practically in the front row!
We left practically deaf, and I was covered in some guys beer.
After another old guy tried to pick me up, we left and we ended up eating maccas on Rik's drive way.
I woke up the next day with a sprained neck, and covered in bruises.
Lets just say school was great. -__-

Friday, October 9, 2009

It's a party!

Well, right now i'm sitting in my loungeroom rather bored.
I'm going to be getting in trouble soon, seeing as i'm supposed to be outside with the rest of my family celebrating my brothers 12th birthday.
But i'm really not interested that much, and there's lots of kids taking over the place!
like before! We had the radio on, myself and family friend Andrew were air guitaring along to Rose Tattoo, being cool and old school, then they turned it off and put Pokemon on.
I don't have a problem with Pokemon, it's an awesome show, but gahhh!!!

And, as if riiiight on cue, some kid just walked in, turned McGuyver (Hey man, don't diss it.), and starts playing Xbox.

Soooo uncool. lol

But anyway, time for one of my more recent 'Adventures'.


Ahh, don't you just love the gym?

I went for my first 'sesh' yesterday with the girls,

That lasted like, 6 hours.

Now I who you're not supposed to go that hard, but damn it felt good.

We even impressed the (rather good looking) personal trainer!

But the whole getting to the gym process, was the overly exciting part. /cough

I rolled outta bed at 6am (Which, if you know me.... that's an amaaazing feat.)

Hunted for clothes, then realised basically everything was in the wash.

So lucky me, had to go hunt down a crappy pair of Supre trackies, and work out in a Rammstein shirt.

I walked out of my room and realised how freaking cold it was!
So I ran back in a pulled on my Motley Crue jumper. (Best investment I ever did make.)

And went inside and made a very strong coffee.

Oh, and made bacon and eggs.
got in trouble for it, (Yes, I still get in trouble at 6:30 in the morning)

Then I realised I didn't want any bacon and eggs, so i threw it out.

(ramble ramble ramble.)

I made another coffee (a rather large one) in a thermas cup, and added an extra pick me up to it ; )

And headed out the door.
And walked all the way to Salisbury.
But on my way, I had to cross a flaming bridge covered in fire trucks (Takes more than a fire truck to stop Drop Dead Fred!), and the men who drive them.

That was exciting, I found out that night that someone had stolen a car and torched it. lol

When I got to Salisbury, I wondered around Salisbury aimlessly till the girls showed up.

And then when a train finally got there, We went to be cool and jump on, then some random told us that it wasn't going to take us..

How the hell did he know?

Well... all I know is, he was right. lol

But it was embarressing, so we acted cool and acted like we had ment to walk all the over there and we sat down against a sign, and I relit my cigarette and played cool....drinking my coffee.

Finally the next train there, and we set off.

Partying at the gym (That one time) has gotten me completely addicted to sauna's.. they're so good. You feel so at peace in that hot, steaming room.... sweating away all your toxins.
It's good.

So next week, we're going to go down there, do a liiiiiittle bit of working out, then spend the rest of the day rotating from the sauna, spa and pool.
Because we're cool like that.

Oooohhh! And tomorrow is going to be exciting as hell!

Tomorrow night, Myself, and a very good friend of mine, are going to be parting with Megadeth and Slayer!

I'm....most like going to die.

So, if there aren't any blogs after this, I'm most certainly dead.

And im currently on the lookout for a Sid Vicious tee! Or Sex Pistols.. you know.. whatever. lol
but I want him on a shirt. Just him would be good. =]
So if you see one, please let me know!

Much love!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good times!

Ah gosh!

How weird the past..week?.. has been!'s not really weird... but whatever! ^__^

I lost a fair bit of wait, but I'm pretty sure I put it all back on again.

So, fail.
Mean's i'm going to have to slug my guts out to get everything off again!

The other day, I found out I was in a bit of a money crisis.
So, I applied for jobs all over the place.

But pretty much ALL of them said i'd have to wait to the Christmas holidays....
Which is cool! Coz it was Sanity and JB HI-FI who said these things, but i kinda need to money right now. =/

I have a $120 present on hold for one of my best friends birthday, which is in about a week... and I have NO money. So, he's just going to have to wait! ...till about Christmas.

Thankfully I have a present for him though, It will just get here a week late though. lol
But it's worth it. =]

But myself, and one of my best friends Paris, are now in a bit of trouble with the law because of that trip to find me a job. It was complete bollocks.

Word of advice: Don't sit down on a train if you have'nt bought your ticket yet. -__-

But whilst we were in Elizabeth, Paris bought a pretzel! It was very tastey!

With it's pepperonni and garlic butter!

And we went outside to eat it! But there was this crow with it's head in a pretzel packet!
And Paris said;
"Ha! Look! The crow likes Pretzels! You're not having mine!!!"

And we sait down, and she devoured it whilst i drank my KFC Krusher!

But then all of a sudden, the crow flew at Paris trying to get her pretzel!
She screamed like a bitch and started yelling at it

"Take it!! Just take it!!!"

And the crow flew away.

People at the Louisiana Tavern behind us were pissing themselves laughing.

And i was choking on Krusher.

Then I applied at Tunzafun and Paris and I pretended to play the games because we were that broke.

And yesterday, was an adventure in itself.

My best friend Tiana randomly rang me and asked if I wanted to go to the beach with her and our gay best friend Drake, so I said "yeah!"

Seeing as I was at Paris's house, I didn't really have clothes.
But we kinda ignored that fact and she lent me a Bonds tank top. xD

So we went into Salisbury, and met up with Tiana and Drake, and jumped on a train!

But this random guy, Damien I think his name was, started talking to Drake, and Drake invited him to the beach.

So when we got to town, Damien ran off to get changed, and we went to Off Ya Tree, where Drake bought me a rather cool poster of Kat Von D! It is now taped to my wall, shining with all it's glory. =]

We met up with Damien again and caught a very smelly tram to Glenelg.

Where I got in lots of trouble with my mum. But we wont go into that. lol.

When we finally got there, we wen't down to the beach and sat there for like, 5 minutes. haha

Then we went and got hot chips and gravy and went home.

Oh, and some of Damiens friends found us on the tram.

Wasn't that exciting?!....................

Oh yeah, Paris and I went and saw the movie Fame.
There were plenty of very sexy guys.

But we got into a Pop Corn fight a spear tackled her into the seats and shoved pop corn in her face!

Take that!!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

First post.

Okay, yay! First post!
Now, unlike every other person in the god damn world, I'm not going to rant on in my first blog about the god damn kind of person I am.
For example;
I like heavy metal, my friends are my life, i'm a vegatarian, I love going to gigs and partying!
It is, 90% of the time, rather misleading, and quite honestly, a bit of a bore.
The only thing sI will point out though, is that i'm sixteen, I live in Adelaide, South Austrlia and I'm definately NOT a vegetarian. Oh, and the fact that I can't spell.
So, I'm terribly sorry to all those people who freak out over typo's, but you're just going to have to get used to it.

Now, it's highly doubtful that anyone I know, or anyone at all for that matter, will see this.
So I probably won't hide too much. After all, it's just a blog.

So, a blog is supposed to be an online diary right?
So you can share with the world every detail of your personal life.
Sounds interesting! Let's give it a crack.
Oh, and two of my wonderful personalities will be showing up in my blogs.
Normal text , the rather girly side of me. Stuff in the italics is... the... not so girly, rather angry and...more like me, side of me!
-clears throat-

Dear Diary, (god it's already gone to bollocks.)
I'm sorta kinda really nervous about everything right now.
Me and best male friend of all time got into a fight that wasn't a fight but technically is a fight because he doesn't know that i've received his appology, and he hasn't really been able to see mine. It all started over a misunderstanding really...
I was in a fight with certain family members, and I came across really angry and pissed on msn, and i logged of really quickly because I was being kicked off the computer. And i also posted a Facebook status (via mobile!) telling the world I was a little angry. Of course I withheld any names. (Last time I posted something about a family member, I got in so much trouble... that I can't even go into) But he assumed it was about him. Because of the whole msn thing.
So, he freaked out. (Naturally. You'd do the same.)
He started going off at me on Facebook, and I also received an offline message from him when I logged onto msn before, let's just say... the crap he was saying wasn't very gentlemanly.
So, naturally, i sent an offline message back going completely beserk at him for being such an arse...and the things i was saying, weren't very ladylike.
And only after that, did i decide to check my emails. (Youuu fucking tit!)
Turns out he had sent this big appology to me over Facebook... I nearly cried when I realised what I had done.
The things I had said, wouldn't be taking to lightly. ('Course they wouldn't! You're a complete bitch!)
Although... He did go as far to call me a 'complete cunt', so... i guess we're pretty even. (You'd wanna hope so.)
So I kiiiind of appologized... I didn't really know what to say....
Such is life.
So i'm assuming when he gets back from wherever he is, there's going to be some awkward conversation and decent bit of appologising.

Also! me and the girls have gone on a weightloss/tone up kick!
And it's actually going pretty well!
Improvements are already showing and it's only been a week!
It'd be alot of easier, if junk food wasn't so god damn good.
We sit there talking about it for a rather long time........
"Imagine this, imagine that!"
Been hell really, but fitness IS improving! Which is good!

Anyway, I'm sure we have much more to talk about!
But dinner is ready and I don't really have the time to keep ranting on!

Much love.

Food was good. =]
Anyway, see everything that was just talked about... it was all true, but i just laugh at how EVERYTHING revolves around technology!
This WHOLE fight happened online! over facebook and msn!
And i guarantee, the whole 'making up' proccess will happen over msn.
I probably won't even bloody see him during the holidays, well i might, but no where near as much as I used too. lol.
It just makes me laugh what this bloody world has come too...
No one sends letters anymore, and picking up the home phone seems almost taboo now amongst teenagers these days! I mean, i'm guilty of it.
Out of all my friends, I only talk to one of them over the landline.
But in all honesty, you run out of credit and don't have access to a computer, you've been completely cut off from the world.
And you whine and whine and whine at your parents until you've been given $30 to go buy some more...
It just makes me laugh.
Because we are ALL guilty of it.
Like, I have no credit and 3's free Facebook access has finished.
I nearly cried when I found out, no more Facebook access whilst standing in line at Foodland!
What am I to do?!?!?!?

Do enough chores to get me credit.