Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Well hey.

Okay, enough of this rediculous emo bollocks.
Ever since I decided to let my problems go and just take them as they come, my life has been amazingly better!
Like, you can not begin to imagine!!
I'm actually feeling happiness again!
I was so desperate to be with the one I loved, I blinded myself!
I knew this guy more than anyone, how could I not see what I was doing to him?!
Pressure makes him turn and run the other way, and I (as well as friends) were laying they pressure on him hard. And it scared the complete shit outta him. Pushed him away, killed probably whatever feeling was left.
And then, after nearly all hope was lost, I woke up and saw what I was doing.
How could I be so stupid?! So I spoke to him, and removed all pressure, allowed him to breathe.
And low and behold, guess what came flooding back!?
Our friendship was completely reignited! and even the flirting was happening again.. and with a force.
Everything is actually healthy again! And it's great!
I've never been happier!
Things are going amazing, we're not together or anything, but we're very close again.. neither of us quite willing to risk what we have for the sake of love... who knows what it'd turn out like.

I've decided to stop trying to make things happen, but let them take their natural course, and if its meant to be... then it will happen, enough said.


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