Friday, October 2, 2009

First post.

Okay, yay! First post!
Now, unlike every other person in the god damn world, I'm not going to rant on in my first blog about the god damn kind of person I am.
For example;
I like heavy metal, my friends are my life, i'm a vegatarian, I love going to gigs and partying!
It is, 90% of the time, rather misleading, and quite honestly, a bit of a bore.
The only thing sI will point out though, is that i'm sixteen, I live in Adelaide, South Austrlia and I'm definately NOT a vegetarian. Oh, and the fact that I can't spell.
So, I'm terribly sorry to all those people who freak out over typo's, but you're just going to have to get used to it.

Now, it's highly doubtful that anyone I know, or anyone at all for that matter, will see this.
So I probably won't hide too much. After all, it's just a blog.

So, a blog is supposed to be an online diary right?
So you can share with the world every detail of your personal life.
Sounds interesting! Let's give it a crack.
Oh, and two of my wonderful personalities will be showing up in my blogs.
Normal text , the rather girly side of me. Stuff in the italics is... the... not so girly, rather angry and...more like me, side of me!
-clears throat-

Dear Diary, (god it's already gone to bollocks.)
I'm sorta kinda really nervous about everything right now.
Me and best male friend of all time got into a fight that wasn't a fight but technically is a fight because he doesn't know that i've received his appology, and he hasn't really been able to see mine. It all started over a misunderstanding really...
I was in a fight with certain family members, and I came across really angry and pissed on msn, and i logged of really quickly because I was being kicked off the computer. And i also posted a Facebook status (via mobile!) telling the world I was a little angry. Of course I withheld any names. (Last time I posted something about a family member, I got in so much trouble... that I can't even go into) But he assumed it was about him. Because of the whole msn thing.
So, he freaked out. (Naturally. You'd do the same.)
He started going off at me on Facebook, and I also received an offline message from him when I logged onto msn before, let's just say... the crap he was saying wasn't very gentlemanly.
So, naturally, i sent an offline message back going completely beserk at him for being such an arse...and the things i was saying, weren't very ladylike.
And only after that, did i decide to check my emails. (Youuu fucking tit!)
Turns out he had sent this big appology to me over Facebook... I nearly cried when I realised what I had done.
The things I had said, wouldn't be taking to lightly. ('Course they wouldn't! You're a complete bitch!)
Although... He did go as far to call me a 'complete cunt', so... i guess we're pretty even. (You'd wanna hope so.)
So I kiiiind of appologized... I didn't really know what to say....
Such is life.
So i'm assuming when he gets back from wherever he is, there's going to be some awkward conversation and decent bit of appologising.

Also! me and the girls have gone on a weightloss/tone up kick!
And it's actually going pretty well!
Improvements are already showing and it's only been a week!
It'd be alot of easier, if junk food wasn't so god damn good.
We sit there talking about it for a rather long time........
"Imagine this, imagine that!"
Been hell really, but fitness IS improving! Which is good!

Anyway, I'm sure we have much more to talk about!
But dinner is ready and I don't really have the time to keep ranting on!

Much love.

Food was good. =]
Anyway, see everything that was just talked about... it was all true, but i just laugh at how EVERYTHING revolves around technology!
This WHOLE fight happened online! over facebook and msn!
And i guarantee, the whole 'making up' proccess will happen over msn.
I probably won't even bloody see him during the holidays, well i might, but no where near as much as I used too. lol.
It just makes me laugh what this bloody world has come too...
No one sends letters anymore, and picking up the home phone seems almost taboo now amongst teenagers these days! I mean, i'm guilty of it.
Out of all my friends, I only talk to one of them over the landline.
But in all honesty, you run out of credit and don't have access to a computer, you've been completely cut off from the world.
And you whine and whine and whine at your parents until you've been given $30 to go buy some more...
It just makes me laugh.
Because we are ALL guilty of it.
Like, I have no credit and 3's free Facebook access has finished.
I nearly cried when I found out, no more Facebook access whilst standing in line at Foodland!
What am I to do?!?!?!?

Do enough chores to get me credit.

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